iCash© 4.5 Maxprog - November 2008 - Copyright © 2000 - 2008 All rights reserved worldwide. Please read the enclosed License Agreement for further legal information. MAX Programming, LLC - http://www.maxprog.com Version History November 2008 Keys: [New] = New Feature [Opt] = Optimization [Fix] = Bug Fix [Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality [Upg] = Enhancement [4.5] [Upg] Project pull-down menus are no longer limited to 20 entries. [Upg] Project and Query Presets pull-down menus are now ordered alphabetically. [Chg] Pie chart now automatically discards wrongly signed accounts. [Chg] When jumping to a transaction from the query or overview panel, the 'Change' button is set to default. [Chg] Romania leu currency (ROL) changed to the new leu (RON). [Fix] Several interface glitches have been fixed. [4.4.1] [Upg] Query panel, project can now be entered with a pull-down menu like for transactions. [Upg] Several enhancements applied to the report panel. [Upg] All windows are now identified with the name of the document they belong to. [Fix] Queries with empty string parameter work again. [Fix] Transaction export again includes amount signs. [4.3] [Upg] It is now possible to compare budgets with current data. [Upg] Account, Category and Transaction HTML export now uses stripped blue background and include the doc. name. [Chg] Document file now use the '.icash' extension by default (Mac OS X). [Chg] Transaction Type rewritten with proper case when tabbing thru fields. [Chg] Transaction type, origin and target accounts rewritten with proper case when losing focus. [Fix] It is now possible to create a document copying the data from an opened file. [Fix] Several German, French, Spanish, Dutch and Russian localization fixes. [Fix] It is no longer possible to use tools from the File manager with opened files. [4.2.2] [Upg] It is now possible to select what accounts to use to calculate general balance displayed in status bar. [Upg] Automatic back-ups can be deactivated from the preferences. [Upg] Currencies can now be updated automatically when opening a document. [Upg] Account Statement report now includes a new column for Payee/Issuing. [Chg] Preference panel has been redesigned and enhanced. [Fix] New bank status display is now always visible. [Fix] Balance panel and balance status now automatically updated when updating exchange rates or default currency. [4.2.1] [Upg] Transaction panel: selected Bank account balance is now displayed along with the transaction count. [Upg] Faster and more reliable database engine. [Upg] Is is now possible to change budget amounts typing the numbers directly (similar to MS Excel). [Upg] You can now use the Return, shift-Return, Space and Shift-Space to move between budget entries. [Upg] Swedish manual added to the package. [Chg] Transaction panel: the income/expense status line now depends on the selected bank. [Chg] The Payee field now trigger the auto-complete function as the origin and target accounts. [Chg] iCash now generates smaller files. Size is now similar to v3. [Fix] Balance sheet now always show the correct date(s). [Fix] Balance sheet no longer display infinite values for the variation ratio. [Fix] It is now always possible to start an amount with the decimal separator. [Fix] Content disappearing when selecting a budget line on Windows. [Fix] Escape key now restore previous value when editing a budget entry. [4.2] [New] It is now possible to uses previous transactions in order to create new ones. [Upg] New 'Clear' button added to transaction panel to reset all entry fields. [Upg] New 'Clear' button added to Account Manager window to reset all entry fields. [Upg] The QIF 'All' and 'Transactions' import now let the user select the file encoding. [Upg] Long comments are now saved to the Memo field when importing an OFX file. [Upg] Overview breakdown panel lets you display transactions as grouped or not. [Upg] Account sets can be added to the 'Components/Account Sets/' as XML files. [Upg] 3 new account sets added to swedish version. [Chg] 'Change' and 'Delete' button positions inverted in Transaction panel and Account Manager. [Chg] Origin and target accounts rewritten with proper case when tabbing thru fields. [Chg] Tracking number is now recorded depending on the accounts used in the transaction. [Fix] Auto-complete deactivated when tabbing thru the Payee field. [Fix] Report range is back on printouts. [Fix] Jumping to a transaction from Queries panel now take care of current view. [Fix] Overview panel transaction viewer no longer disappear after restarting iCash. [Fix] Favorites window now allows to add favorites again. [Fix] Report date is now always printed. [Fix] Pie chart percentage ratios not taking care of currency. [4.1] [Upg] It is now possible to edit and deactivate the default transaction types. [Upg] The 'Duplicate' function has been extended to allow multiple copies of transactions. [Upg] New Balance Sheet Detailed report displaying Types, categories and accounts. [Upg] A Calendar has been added to transaction panel (accessible by clicking on 'Day'). [Upg] A Calculator has been added to transaction panel (accessible by clicking on 'Amount'). [Upg] It is now possible to create an Account Statement report specifying a project. [Upg] New 'Account Statement' menu in Overview contextual menu to create and a report directly. [Upg] New 'Edit | Select None' menu. [Chg] Liability total added to Balance sheet report. [Fix] Documents displayed under main menu bar on given occasions (Mac OS) [Fix] German and Italian localizations corrections. [4.0] [New] It is now possible to create budgets and calculate values taking existing data. [New] The overview panel can be used to browse thru types, categories and accounts. [New] The overview panel can now be set to display the accounts as a flat list. [New] It is now possible to automatically update currency rates thru the internet. [New] Support for Bar and pie charts. [Upg] Document balance status now uses colors to display positive and negative amounts. [Upg] Transaction balance status now uses colors to display positive and negative amounts. [Upg] Possibility to hide deactivated accounts from Overview panel. [Upg] Possibility to deactivate accounts from Overview panel and Account window. [Upg] New shortcut to go thru panels (Cmd-1 to 6 on the Mac and Ctrl-1 to 6 on Windows). [Upg] Transaction printout now shows amounts in color. [Upg] Reports printout now shows amounts in color. [Upg] Balance report can now be created by category. [Upg] Balance report can now display two dates and the variation between them. [Upg] It is now possible to duplicate/transfer transactions keeping the same day. [Upg] 'Edit | Refresh' menu can be used to refresh any panel. [Upg] Interface enhancements for Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) and Windows Vista. [Chg] The scheduler window is now a resizable standard document window. [Chg] The currency editor window is now a resizable standard document window. [Chg] Report date range start date is now set to first day of current year by default. [Fix] Help file not accessible from inside the application in given occasions. [3.4.1] [Upg] Faster and more reliable database engine. [Fix] New added transactions always focused including on descending sorting. [3.4] [Upg] Support for Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) [Upg] Application is now also available in Russian. [Upg] Faster and more reliable database engine. [Chg] It is no longer possible to enter transactions before 19xx. [Chg] It is no longer possible to enter transactions in non-existing days (eg. Apr, 31) [Fix] Several QIF importation fixes. [3.3.4] [Fix] It is now possible to remove Invoice number, tracking number and tax from a transaction. [Fix] P&L Summary now checks for wrong starting date. [Fix] Transaction auto-complete, comment no longer overwritten. [3.3.3] [Fix] Maximized state not always restored on Windows when opening a document. [Fix] QIF import and export is now much more reliable. [Fix] Fields contents not always selected when focused. [3.3.2] [Upg] Documents coordinates are now fully restored. [Upg] Windows coordinates on multiple screens are properly saved and restored. [Upg] New documents are now created using last document coordinates on Windows. [Upg] Document maximized status on Windows in now restored on opening. [Fix] QIF exports don't use UTF-8 anymore. [Fix] '.csv' and '.tab' added to allowed file types for text import. [Fix] Account statement using wrong columns for expenses and incomes. [Fix] Chart pull-down menus now always show right categories and accounts. [3.3.1] [Fix] Scheduler now use correct dates when using last days of month. [Fix] Several translation typos on portuguese version. [Fix] Import/Export as text encoding issue. [Fix] Problem with dates in query and transaction lists in given situations. [Fix] Transaction amount field not selected when getting focus. [3.3] [New] Application is now available as Universal Binary. [Fix] Category deletion from Category manager not possible in given conditions. [Fix] Several deletion confirmation dialogs not showing the corresponding account or category name. [Fix] Date field focused when clearing transaction editor. [Fix] Transactions from 'Liabilities' type no longer get amount inverted in transaction list. [Fix] Several interface fixes related to scheduler windows. [Fix] Currency deletion not possible in given situations. [Fix] Better checking to avoid duplicate currencies. [Fix] Transaction wrongly categorized after editing an account in given conditions. [Fix] Better category and currency handling when creating a new account. [Fix] Support for single line OFX imports. [Fix] Account manager now updating properly after making changes to accounts. [Fix] Accounts allow negative opening values again. [3.2.3] [Upg] New Database Recovery tool. Enables user to recover from damaged documents. [Upg] New menu for checking whether a new version of the software is available. [Upg] The software is now able to look for new versions automatically. [Opt] Several enhancements in Windows interface. [Chg] 'Debts' type renamed 'Liabilities'. [Chg] Enhanced Database checking tool. [Fix] Transaction jump from balance breakdown and query panel. [Fix] 'Duplicate' and 'Transfer To' menus now always work from main menu. [Fix] 'Project' field copied when duplicating and transferring transactions. [Fix] Tabbing thru transaction fields issue when auto-completion activated. [Fix] Saving transactions to HTML now includes all columns. [3.2.2] [Upg] Balance query now allow to select unreconciled, reconciled or all transactions. [Chg] Account statement 'Current Year' now consider full year, not only up to date. [Chg] Asset type, category and account charts now display Balance evolution rather than money flow. [Fix] Account statement report no longer invert signs for flow accounts. [Fix] Payee again included in QIF exports. [Fix] Balance Query 'between' condition no longer returns no results. [Fix] Data Checking precision issue on given situations. [Fix] Statistics average calculation no longer takes current year null months into account. [3.2.1] [Upg] SQL Query panel can now handle all kind of queries, not only cursor operations. [Chg] Transaction amounts display enhancements. [Fix] SQL Query again display all available tables and fields. [Fix] Wrong currency symbol displayed when entering transaction rate. [Fix] Extra categories equal to iCash types removed on QIF imports. [3.2] [Upg] Chart and Account manager windows remind position on screen. [Upg] Category manager is now a detached window that remembers size and position. [Upg] New XML auto-backup with error checking on startup. [Upg] Auto-reindex of file on start. [Upg] SQL import/export. [Upg] Transaction Auto-Complete: Comment reverse lookup if none found. [Upg] Return and Enter keys to add transaction on all fields. [Chg] Possibility to edit reconciled transactions. [Chg] Query total calculated to match Balance panel. [Chg] Transaction panel no longer accept negative values. [Chg] Reports are now exported using default system encoding. [Chg] Transactions are now displayed as negative when from a debt account. [Chg] Balance selection always kept including when switching panels. [Chg] Limitation of 25 year entries on pull-down menus. [Fix] Data checking tool no longer fail to correct errors. [Fix] Transaction export to HTML wrong amount column and encoding. [Fix] Scheduled transaction sort problem. [Fix] Items editor: Deletion and edition again available. [Fix] Duplicating or transferring a transaction between year refresh issue. [Fix] Currencies, favorites and scheduled transactions get scrambled after conversion. [Fix] Query panel: invoice number and tracking number are again searchable. [Fix] Windows: Modification of keyboard shortcuts to avoid conflicts. [Fix] Years containing only deleted transactions no longer appear in pull-down menus. [3.1] [Upg] iCash documents now use standard Unicode UTF-8 encoding for all strings. [Upg] File manager: Accepts drops of iCash files that are not listed. [Upg] File manager: 'File | Show file' open select file folder. [Upg] Check Data Tool now also checks for accounts category and type. [Upg] Statistics: Excel export now keep all formatings. [Upg] Overview panel | Breakdown: Transaction count displayed. [Upg] P&L and transaction count displayed on transaction panel for selected month. [Upg] Every 4 weeks period added to scheduler. [Upg] Every 4 months period added to scheduler. [Opt] Operations are now about ten times faster thanks to new SQL engine. [Chg] Null scheduled transactions are now possible. [Chg] Grouped transactions now always display account names. [Chg] Statistics can now be exported as plain text or as an Excel sheet. [Chg] Scheduled transaction list display next due date. [Fix] Account statement with undefined period now has the right starting balance. [Fix] Origin to Target rate conversion is now always displayed. [Fix] Auto-complete based on Payee/Issuing: Comment history properly loaded. [Fix] Auto-complete based on Payee/Issuing: Tracking numbers properly incremented. [Fix] Scheduled Transactions: Payee added to created transactions. [Fix] Scheduled Transactions: Currencies is now properly handled and honored. [Fix] Scheduled Transactions: Can be sorted by date. [Fix] Overview panel: Account count properly updated on screen after deleting accounts. [Fix] Grouped transactions: Payee is again displayed. [Fix] Preset issue when importing from a file with more fields that the one defined. [Fix] It is again possible to remove payee and project assignment from transactions. [3.0.4] [Upg] Transaction auto-complete based on Payee/Issuing. [Upg] OFX import, support for Credit Card transactions. [Upg] When creating a document using another file, currencies are now copied. [Upg] When creating a document using another file, contacts are now copied. [Upg] When creating a document using another file, favorites are now copied. [Upg] When creating a document using another file, scheduled transactions are now copied. [Upg] Support for international amount formats when importing from text. [Upg] Transaction text export now includes Payee/issuing. [Upg] Transaction text import now includes Payee/issuing. [Fix] Transaction text import no longer includes formatting. [Fix] Files no longer giving problems where double-clicked from the Dock. [Fix] Exporting transactions part of a group null amounts. [3.0.3] [Fix] Transaction no longer fetched twice when switching to the transaction panel. [Fix] The activate/deactivate checkbox on account manager works again. [Fix] Transaction duplicate now also works with a grouped transaction. [Fix] Recurrent scheduled transaction not added when no end date. [Fix] Data checking tool worsening balance offsets rather than fixing them. [Fix] Scheduled transactions comment encoding issue. [3.0.2] [Chg] When selecting a Bank on top pull-down menu, transaction origin account is automatically set to it. [Upg] 'Check Data' tool can perform a full transaction rebuild pressing Control key. [Fix] OFX import on non-US system amount not properly imported. [Fix] P&L grand total inverted. [3.0.1] [Upg] Every 2 weeks period added to scheduler. [Fix] QIF import number parser used with splits as well. [Fix] Account statement now display negative values for expenses accounts. [Fix] Account statement now display positive values for income accounts. [Fix] A rate of 1 will be used rather than 0 when no rate has been entered. [Fix] Chart Y-axe legend now displays rounded aesthetic values. [Fix] Scheduler not run in given situations. [3.0] [New] Multiple currencies support. [New] Scheduled and recurring Transactions support. [New] Project support. [New] OFX/QFX import support. [New] Account and categories can now be created directly from the Overview panel. [New] Payee column in Transaction and Query lists. [New] Auto-backup performed regularly on opening and closing documents. [New] Document status bar is now clickable and displays different type of info on each click. [Upg] Transaction panel now includes an auto-reconcile checkbox. [Upg] Document indicates if "Locked" or "Read only". [Upg] Transaction panel Bank account selector. [Upg] Profit and Loss report now includes categories and accounts ratios. [Upg] Balance panel transaction breakdown can be set to display unreconciled or reconciled transactions. [Chg] Account panel has been removed and placed in a separate window. [Opt] Data Checking tool is now much faster. [Fix] Support for QIF imports with 'exotic' date and number formats. [Fix] P&L Chart wrong in given situations. [2.4] [Upg] Help menu. [Fix] Overview panel cache now is 100% accurate. (rounding issue) [Fix] Chart now represents negative values properly. [Fix] Chart title no longer overlaps legend. [2.3] [Upg] Interface enhancements. [Upg] General Balance displayed in status field rather than document title. [Upg] Transaction comment pull-down menu displays last 15 comments for similar transaction. [Upg] Transaction tracking number is now increased automatically. [Upg] Charts now include a title. [Fix] QIF Import fixes. Payee and memo placed on right fields. [Fix] Reconcile not applied properly on QIF imports. [Fix] Chart portrait printout support. [Fix] Chart average line in right place. [v2.2] [New] It is now possible to customize transaction group comment. [New] Text Import now support encodings. [New] Localized French, German and Spanish manuals. [Opt] Database operations are now twice as fast as before. [Opt] Database schema update between versions has been optimized. [Upg] Transaction printout now includes reconciled status. [Upg] Query printout now includes reconciled status. [Upg] It is now possible to save import preset changes. [Upg] Account statement report printout now includes reconciled status. [Chg] Query panel lets you display transactions as grouped or not. [Fix] When the date of a transaction is changed the list is now re-sorted properly. [Fix] Transaction breakdown quantity format problems on non-US systems. [Fix] Several German and Swedish localization fixes. [v2.1] [Opt] Contact and favorites list sorted column and direction now save and restored. [Chg] Account statement report 'Debit' and 'Credit' rename to 'Out' and 'In'. [Chg] Two or more characters are now accepted for the currency symbol. [Fix] It is again posible to edit categories name. [v2.0.3] [Fix] Changing Debt, Incomes and Expenses account openning value now properly signed. [Fix] Balance panel Incomes entry now displays correct reconciled value. [v2.0.2] [Opt] Much faster file loading and balance panel refresh. [Upg] Transactions can now display the comment or Payee/issuing information. [Upg] Contacts are now created automatically as soon as you use them for the first time. [Upg] Printing support for Balance transaction breakdown. [Upg] Balance and P&L report contents sorted. [Chg] Favorites panel is now bigger and record/autoselect new entries. [Fix] Report inaccurate calculations when transaction accounts type or categories are equal. [Fix] Transaction sorting work again on splits. [Fix] Account opening value sign was not editable. [Fix] P&L accounts take care of opening value again. [Fix] Payee is no longer cleared when pressing the tab key. [Fix] Favorites creation is now possible however no payee/issuing selected. [v2.0.1] [Upg] QIF import split support. [Fix] Transaction type not admiting custom text anymore. [Fix] Payee field displaying information from previous transaction with payee. [Fix] Hyphen not properly displayed on Windows. [Fix] Transaction list not refreshed after duplicating/transfering on Windows. [v2.0] [New] Charts (types, categories, accounts, Balance and P&L). [New] Transaction splits (groups) can now be created to group existing transactions. [New] Enhanced transactions/queries printing. Possibility to print a range or selected. [New] Standard toolbar on Mac OS X version giving access to most used functions. [New] Preference panel lets you set number format, deactivate transaction auto-completion... [New] Statistics panel giving access to money flow per type, category and account. [New] Profit and loss summary report. [New] Value added Tax handling and reporting. [Opt] Account statement and P&L report period pull-down menu includes years. [Opt] Interface optimizations. [Opt] Enhanced report printing. [Opt] Balance includes a contextual menu to expand/collapse all entries. [Chg] Transaction list automatically set to target date when transfering/duplicating. [Chg] Main window is now resizable up to 1024 pixels in width. [Chg] 'Credit Account' replaced with 'Target Account'. [Chg] 'Debit Account' replaced with 'Origin Account' [Chg] Reports now include type or accounts name for statements. [Chg] Balance panel now displays reconciled amounts as well. [Chg] Account panel now displays unreconciled balances. [Chg] Account opening balance can now be modified at any time. [Chg] New csv import engine. [Fix] Balance panel - Categories not sorted properly. [Fix] Query panel - Accounts not sorted properly. [Fix] German localization fixes. [Fix] Balance updated when reconciling transaction from breakdown list. [Fix] Transaction auto-completion not accepting given accentuated characters. [v1.4.4] [Chg] Balance query returns results whenever they are reconciled or not. [Chg] Account Statement report allows to displayand select any account. [Chg] Tranaction debit and credit pull-down menus now sorted by type, category and account. [Fix] Balance query returning 0 results in given situations. [Fix] Transaction type with custom text not displayed on the balance breakdown. [Fix] Balance breakdown not accesible from balance panel after resizing (Win) [Fix] Transaction autocomplete using deleted transaction data. [Fix] Categories not sorted after editing. [Fix] Favorites editor using wrong number format on non-US systems. [Fix] Transaction auto-complete using wrong number format on non-us version. [Fix] Wrong number format used on Queries on non-US systems. [Fix] Query returning no results when 'where' is set to 'All' on a second query. [v1.4.3] [New] Transaction input auto-complete using recent transactions data. [New] Balance report for a given date. [Chg] Account statement report for Debts, Portfolio and Assets as well. [Chg] Transaction comments included in statement report. [Chg] Transaction panel year can be changed manually. [Chg] Account statement report Payment and Income titles changed to Debit and Credit. [Fix] Transaction duplicate not converting accentuated characters properly (comment). [Fix] Account statement not properly displayed (all amounts as incomes). [Fix] Balance report taking future transactions into account. [Fix] Transaction debit and credit pull-down menu display glitchs. [Fix] Problem with accentuated characters when importing form text and QIF. [v1.4.2] [Chg] Panther cosmetic changes. [Chg] QIF import support old Microsoft Money date format. [Fix] Total not properly conputed on composite queries. [Fix] P&L report problem on accounts with a not null opening balance. [Fix] Problem with QIF import on Panther. [v1.4.1] [Upg] Date format can be set from 5 available when importing QIF transaction files. [Upg] Blance printout now includes screen pictures, type, account, categories... [Chg] Reconciled transactions no longer displayed when balance querying. [Chg] Cumulative query results with duplicate checking using command key. [Upg] Date 'little arrows' added to report and query panel year field. [Upg] Partial QIF transactions files with no account data are now supported. [Fix] Incomplete date when exporting transactions as text or Excel. [Fix] Queries panel total not properly computed when transfer between banks. [Fix] Transaction, query and Balance printouts sometimes get trimmed. [Fix] Query result error when using a specified date range. [Fix] Localization fixes (Italian and German). [Fix] New Transaction data deleted from entries fields when switching tabs. [Fix] Account 'Show' Category pull-down menu not sorted properly. [v1.4] [New] Account Statement report. [New] Summarized and detailed P&L and Balance reports. [New] Editable transaction types. [New] Balance Panel P&L accounts flow range. [New] Balance Panel linked transactions browser. [New] Quicken(tm) QIF single all-in-one file import support. [New] Quicken(tm) QIF export (categories, accounts, transactions) [New] Transactions printouts from transaction panel. [New] Accounts printouts from Accounts panel. [New] Balance panel print support [New] Rebuild database Index tool. [Upg] Reports, queries and transaction enhanced and more compatible printouts. [Upg] Report export. [Chg] Transaction and account amount/balance right formatted. [Chg] Transaction credit and debit account pull-down menus enhancement. [Fix] Accounts count not properly updated when changing account type. [Fix] Text transaction export wrong date format. [Fix] By month P&L report broken on 1.3 [v1.3] [New] Transaction duplication and date transfer (Transaction & Query panels). [New] Transaction handling through Contextual Menus (Transaction & Query panels). [New] Queries panel account balance queries (to reconcile accounts with bank statements). [New] Transaction favorites, record most frequently used transaction. [Upg] Multiple transactions selection/deletion (Transaction & Query panels). [Upg] Multiple transactions reconcile (Transactions & Query panels). [Upg] Query panel displays record count, balance and reconciled. [Upg] Queries high quality printing including landscape format. [Upg] New range queries for transaction amount and balance. [Upg] Interface improvements (icons and Classic/Mac OS X controls) [Chg] Queries list date format back to regular US mm/dd/yy and Europe dd/mm/yy. [Chg] Document's window resizable 50 more pixels wide. [Chg] Windows QIF file support. [Chg] Account panel now shows balances properly signed and colored. [Chg] Icon buttons replaced with standard buttons. [Fix] Report range month not localized. [Fix] Windows QIF file support. [Fix] Transactions QIF header sometimes not interpreted properly. [Fix] Window width and height not properly restored at startup when min. values. [v1.2] [New] Quicken QIF categories, accounts and transactions import. [New] 'Startup' account type to be used when creating accounts with a starting balance. [New] 'Start-up capital' default account and 'Capital' category related to 'Startup' [New] Get Info menu display a detailed information window about database. [Upg] No needs to use the printer setup menu before very first print anymore. [Upg] Transaction and account's comment field is now 128 characters rather than 35. [Chg] Transaction debit and credit pull-down menu Bank category removed. [Chg] 'Cashier' transaction type renamed to 'ATM'. [Chg] 'Cheque'transaction type renamed to 'Check'. [Chg] Data checker tool is run in loop until no more error found. [Chg] Cash account added to defaults. [Chg] 'Refund' transaction tyoe added. [Chg] 'Tracking number' added to transactions. [Fix] csv transactions Import/Export mismatch when thousand comma separator's used. [Fix] French version localization fixes. [Fix] Unicode properly displayed for file names on X. [v1.1] [New] Transaction details can now be added. - Invoice number - Taxes along with tax type (Paid, Collected or Refundable) - Transaction breakdown with items database - Transaction memo. [New] Report high quality printing. [Upg] 'Last year' and 'Last month' added to Report range selector. [Upg] 'Last year' and 'Last month' added to Queries range selector. [Chg] Transaction debit and credit pull-down menu sorted by type and categories. [Chg] Transaction debit and credit edit fields to allow manually entries. [Chg] Transaction now properly inserted in the list depending on sort settings. [Chg] New document creation progress dialog. [Chg] When a document's removed from the file manager it will not appear again on next run. [Chg] Income transactions amount now in blue. [Chg] Document resizable width. [Chg] Account and transaction edition confirmation dialog has been removed. [Chg] Banks accounts are included in brackets in transaction maintenance panel. [Chg] German localization typo fixes. [Chg] Debts account opening balance convert to a negative value automatically. [Chg] Queries panel now displays colored positive and negative values. [Upg] Interface enhancements regarding accounts creation and transactions. [Fix] Custom range Profit and Loss report not accurate when more than a month length. [Fix] Profit and loss report no longer consider prospective transactions (date>current date) [Fix] Custom range queries not accurate when more than a month length. [v1.0] [New] Initial release